City of Sedalia Completes Trim Grant: Tree Re-Inventory and Tree Care Information

The City of Sedalia received a Tree Resource Improvement and Maintenance (TRIM) Grant through the Missouri Department of Conservation. The grant provided funds for completion of a partial tree re-inventory along certain street right-of-ways and on public property, such as Katy and Centennial parks. The results of this project help the City to better manage its’ urban forest’s composition, structure, and tree maintenance needs; plan for both short-term and long-term resource allocation; develop risk management strategies; and enable the City to promote the economic, environmental, and social benefits its’ trees provide to the community.

This year’s partial re-inventory included a total of 1,500 trees. ArborPro Inc. was selected as the City’s contractor and their report states 70 trees of those 1,500 assessed should be removed. The information gathered is used by the City’s Street Department staff to identify those trees needing maintenance including trimming or removal.

During the past 3 years, winter storms and wind storms have severely damaged a number of trees requiring their removal. In addition, this year’s TRIM grant funded the purchase of 22 trees that were placed along street right-of ways and on public property to help replace those being removed.

Any questions regarding these activities may be directed to the Public Works Department, 200 S. Osage, Sedalia, MO at (660) 827-3000 extension 1166.

Where: Public property throughout the City
Why: TRIM Grant used for City’s Tree Re-inventory and Tree Purchase