Sedalia Main Streets


Downtown Sedalia

Sedalia Main Streets understands – Downtown Sedalia is your destination. Whether you’re a long-time Sedalia resident, a new arrival searching for a unique home, an entrepreneur ready to take that next big step defined by brick-and-mortar, or a traveler adding an exciting chapter to your personal story, our streets lead you to the very heart of our historic downtown district.

Sedalia Main Streets is proud to be one of the first city-led main street organizations in Missouri! Our organization utilizes the National Main Street Center Four-Point Approach™ to preserve our cultural resources while encouraging artistic expression and investments in our economic landscape. We carefully plan ways to solidify and expand our partnerships, promote appropriate building rehabilitation, instill the availability of tax incentives, education on historic preservation and facilitate volunteerism - everything that encourages you to explore and then return to our vibrant downtown district.

About Us

Ready to learn more about our organization?

Your Downtown Business Connection

What's Happening in Downtown Sedalia? 

Our downtown district is constantly active with events scheduled throughout the year. Find out more about our Sedalia Main Streets - add them to your calendar today so you don't miss any of the fun!

Join Us! 

Sedalia Main Streets
City of Sedalia
200 S. Osage Avenue
Sedalia, Missouri 65301

Joleigh Cornine
(660) 851-7609