Get Involved
Looking for opportunities to get involved in your community? Sedalia offers numerous ways for you to be involved.
Animal Shelter
The Sedalia Animal Shelter offers pet lovers an opportunity to make a difference. The Shelter offers a volunteer program, fostering program, and more. Visit the Animal Shelter page for more information.
Boards & Commissions
Help guide the direction of Sedalia while serving your community - both at the same time! Discover more about our local Boards and Commissions, their functions, and meeting times. You may be surprised by the number of opportunities that exist - it takes a team to run a city. Visit the Boards and Commissions page for additional information.
Community Groups & Organizations
Joining a community group is a great way to cross paths with your neighbors. Whether social or charitable, your membership can raise awareness by helping those around you. Visit the Community Groups and Organizations page for additional information.
Parks & Recreation
Looking for an active and engaging way to be involved in your community? The Parks and Recreation Department offers several volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Visit or contact Amy Epple at for more information.
Make a Donation
There are many ways to make Sedalia a better place to call home. One way is with financial contributions. Simply indicate which project, service, or department you would like to support, and then that request will be sent to the Finance Department. They will assure that your donation gets applied towards the project of your choosing.