Stay Informed
Stay up to date with all the happenings throughout the city of Sedalia. Choose to sign up for notifications, view the community calendar, and more. Check out and choose from the options listed below.
Sign Up for Notifications
Save time by letting the city notify you about important happenings and emergency notices.
Community Calendar
Stay up-to-date by bookmarking your favorite events.
Stay informed of current events.
Meetings, Agendas & Minutes
The Sedalia City Council, Boards and Commissions meet regularly. We encourage all residents to stay updated with City policy, plans and goals by participating, reviewing previous meeting information and providing input to help create our vision of the future.
Monthly Newsletter
A handy recap of the month's events.
Holiday Schedules (Trash & Office Hours)
Check out the city's scheduled Holiday closure schedule. These Holidays not only alter city office hours but can also change the days of scheduled services. View the Holiday office hours and trash schedule here.
Outages & Closures
Unsure? Save the drive and time by checking for outages and closures here before your departure.
Snow Routes
The city has specific and designated snow routes. Find out where these are and why it is important to keep these streets passable during inclement weather.