City of Sedalia Schedules Flash Flood Debris Pick-ups
To assist residents in cleaning up debris from the recent flash flooding event from their private property, residents may set flood damaged materials at the curb similar to collections made by the City during the City’s Clean Sweep Program. All materials will need to be placed at the curb or between the sidewalk and the street in the greenspace away from overhead lines and trees by 6:00 a.m. on Monday of the Area’s Flash Flood Debris Pick-up Day. Materials will not be collected from alleys where overhead lines inhibit collection by heavy equipment. Collection dates are as shown below:
Monday, June 13, 2022
Ohio Ave. to the East City Limits
Monday, June 20, 2022
Ohio Ave. to the West City Limits
Sanitation crews will collect and dispose of the materials in each area. We are asking residents to place materials in segregated piles as shown in the diagram below.

If you have any questions about the flash flood debris pick-up, please feel free to contact the Public Works Department at (660) 827-3000 ext. 1166.