Tax Increment Financing Commission Midtown
Authorizing Ordinance: 9665 (July 21, 2008)
Term of Office: Four Years
Meetings: As called
Board Members
Larry Bahr
30702 Wright Rd.
(660) 826-6877
Term Expires: 7/2022
Jason Weiker
519 South Ohio Ave.
(660) 826-8000
Term Expires: 7/2022
Barbara Hayden
1300 West Henry St.
(660) 827-6640
Term Expires: 7/2023
Patrick Daly
501 West Broadway
(660) 827-6300
Term Expires: 7/2024
Taxing District Representatives
Representatives from other taxing jurisdictions shall be appointed as provided in the act.
Appointed by Sedalia School District #200
Appointed by Sedalia School District #200
Appointed by Pettis County Commission
Appointed by Pettis County Commission
Appointed by Taxing Districts